How Greenway Pest Solutions exterminates bed bugs
At Greenway Pest Solutions, we exterminate bed bugs using a combination of effective bed bug treatment methods including physical removal, steam, and conventional product.
On treatment day, we will start by vacuuming bed bugs that are visible to our team. Once that’s complete, we will steam mattresses, box springs, and upholstered furniture, if necessary. Finally, we’ll target all bed bug life stages using a product that kills these biting pests on contact and also provides a residual control that begins working within minutes of exposure.
After we’ve finished treating the infested room, we’ll install mattress encasement(s), install bait stations, and glueboards to monitor for bed bug activity. Within two weeks, we’ll return for a follow-up visit to make sure the bed bug problem has been solved.
Please note, people and pets cannot re-enter the infested area until two-four hours after the treatment has been completed. Ask your pest control specialist for details.

Frequently Asked Questions
Bed Bug Control
Adult bed bugs are mahogany-colored bugs that are shaped like apple seeds. Of course, if your home or business is infested with them, you might also see nearly colorless bed bug nymphs, and pinhead-sized, pearl-white bed bug eggs. For more information, please visit our bed bug identification page.
Bed bugs are often brought home from vacations or business trips. They may also be introduced by houseguests or on used furniture and clothing.
In apartment buildings and multi-unit housing, it's also entirely possible bed bugs crawled over from the unit next door.